I have just sent another Indian story to Mr. Titherington. It seems to me considerable better than my average, and I have asked that it be considered for the Munsey alone. I wished to write you about this, fearing that you might not understand me. I want you to know that I have not been dissatisfied with the manner in which any of my stories have been judged by you people. I have made the request mentioned in connection with this story because I am afraid that the subtle meaning in it would be overlooked by more readers of the All-Story than of the Munsey.
With me, writing is both a business and a passion, with the accent upon the latter. I want to see those stories which contain the most of me, in a position to reach the people who will most readily understand.
If you were personally acquainted with me, you would see just what I mean.
I am glad to have Narcisse in the Scrap-Book. I like that magazine more and more. As I think of it now, the first version of that story was rather rank. But I am not one of those who must study a lesson many times before it is learned.
I hope to see you within two years; and if it is in the spring that I come, you shall take something on me. Always remember that the sentiments expressed in the verses in which I drank to you, always hold good with me.
Jno. G. Neihardt