Dear Mr. Davis:—

I have received your very kind letter of the 6th. I wish I could sit under a pine tree with you as you suggest, and chortle verses, interspersing them with reminiscence. But that can not be just yet, tho' I have no doubt at all that one day I shall have the privilege of knowing you more intimately, when I will not fail to make you feel how grateful I am for your friendship.

As to the questions you asked, will say: I am not married, and hope that I have no children! (Somebody ought to throw a brick at me for that!) For the past year I have been doing stunts with my pencil, and managed to live pretty well on that. I am all the time grinding away at what is the work of my life. Little by little I can see that things are taking form. I have considerable finished work up my sleeve, which I shall throw at the unoffending world when the time comes. It looks like it might be coming at a comfortable little canter. I have not thought carefully about leaving Nebraska, but of course if I could see a better way, I should go that way. I'm rather afraid of a city, however. I was born near one and lived most of my life in one. Perhaps I might have more sense the next time. You understand.

I shall surely have my friend call on you when he goes back. He will arrive here about August first and will probably be back

July 9, 1906
in your town soon after you return from your Maine trip.

I trust that you will thoroughly enjoy your outing, and I shall pray that you have good fisherman's luck! However, I am not certain that I stand well with the Old Man who gathers in the prayers.

Always gratefully yours,

Jno. G. Neihardt