There was more of You in that last letter than you ever got into so small a space before! Thanks, thanks!
About that cabin. It is at a place called the "Crossing" near the Spearfish Falls, one and one-half miles from the town of Elmore, four miles from Hanna, and ten miles from Deadwood, So. Dak. The country thereabouts is just as the good god made it, and that's a better sort of country than a man can make. There are trout in the creek and deer and bears in the woods. Harney Peak is some ten or fifteen miles from the cabin.
We are going up no later than the first of June and I think we will go sooner.
Now for your reply! My mother has just said that she would be more than glad to have you drop in there for a while. Of course there is to be nothing elegant about such a camp in the wilderness. I think I will stay there all winter, so that you could suit yourself about the time of coming. I want some high air to breathe and an entire change of psychological atmosphere. The same would probably not hurt an editor in New York.
By the way, I get homesick for New York every time I see a picture of Broadway. There is a charm about that place that no western city has. I don't know what it is. I don't believe the New Yorkers know either. Some time or other that charm will draw me back there again.
Jno. G. Neihardt
P. S. You ask how you can get there. From Omaha you take the Burlington to Alliance and from there you go straight north to Deadwood. From Omaha the distance is about five hundred miles. I will cut out the phonograph if you insist!