This is to say hello to you after a long silence and to ask you to come to the above address for your vacation. I wish you would. If your wife goes with you, she is specially invited by my mother and sister who are here with me. We are in Spearfish Canyon and our cabin is at the junction of two fine trout streams. The air is wonderful, and you can't beat the scenery except in the Grand Canyon. We have a small, rude cabin, but it keeps the rain out and we have clean beds and good grub.
If you don't know this country, you ought to know it!
Can't you come? I'd like a chance for being good to you, and my mother and sisters would help me. We are in touch with Deadwood, and we could have what we want.
Lots of deer here, but this isn't the season of course.
We will be here until Sept. 1st, and the invitation is open.
Getting some good material for yarns. Panned some placer gold today, just for fun.
Jno. G. Neihardt Robert H. Davis, Esq.