Thanks for the permission to republish the Munsey poems. Some copies of the Bundle will be on the market before Christmas and about the first of the year the publishers mean to boom it. They think they have a piece of literature. I think it is quite unusual for a big publishing house to monkey with a young man's poetry — isn't? Well, I get considerable satisfaction out of the fact that they see something in it. This is really a small triumph for you, since you championed the Bundle before any other. For that reason you shall have one of the few copies that are to be bound in crimson leather with gilt title!
It was good of you to express so much faith in me to the man from Washington with regard to the History of the North American Indian. But I am afraid you flatter me a wee bit.
Could you send me a copy of the All-Story which contains my story "The Face in the Balcony"? I have no copy of it, and would like one.
One of these days I may be able to send you something in the line of a story for Munsey's. When I have one that seems at all suitable to your needs, you may be sure I shall think of you first.
I go to Chicago next Tuesday to arrange with Lieblers for that play. If Waters vindicates himself here, it will be another small triumph for you, will it not?
Jno. G. Neihardt