
The State of Nebraska, Wayne County. S.S.

I, Julius Temple House, being first duly sworn, do depose and say, as follows:

That I have learned through conversation with John Neisenau Neihardt and his mother Alice Culler Neihardt, that John Neisenau Neihardt, epic poet lived in the City of Wayne, Nebraska, from 1892 to 1900, on the following described properties and in the order named:

  • 1. Lot 6, and South half of Lot 5, Block 26,Original Town of Wayne.
  • 2. Lots 7 and 3, in Block 4, North Addition to Wayne.
  • 3. Lot 9, in Block 6, North Addition to Wayne.
  • 4. South 90 feet of Lot 4, Block 9, Britton & Bressler's Addition to Wayne.
  • 5. East 50 feet of Lots 5 and 6, in Block 6 North Addition to Wayne.

While living on the property listed second in the above list, Neihardt had the dream that years later he embodied in the poem entitled "The Ghostly Brother"; while on the property listed fourth above he read "The Ides of the Hink", by Alfred Tenneyson, from a paper bound copy which he received as a premium for soap wrappers; while living on the property listed last above he wrote "The Divine Enchantment", taking two years for its composition.

Neihardt was born near Sharpsburg, Illinois, January 8, 1881, and was therefore Eleven years of age when he came to Wayne.


Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of September, A.D. 1925.

____________________Notary Public

My commission expires February 24, 1926.

The State of Nebraska, Wayne County, S.S.

I, Julius Temple House, being first duly sworn, do depose and say:

That I have learned though conversation with John Neisenau Neihardt and his mother Alice Culler Neihardt, that John Neisenau Neihardt, epic poet lived in the city of Wayne, Nebraska, from 1892 to 1900, on the following described properties and in the order named:

  • 1. Lot 6 and South half of Lot 5, Original Towne of Wayne;
  • 2.Lots 7 and 8 Block 4 North Addition to Wayne
  • 3
  • 3. Lot 9 Block 6 East Addition to Wayne
  • 4. South 90 feet of Lot 4 Block 9 Britton and Bressler's Addition to Wayne
  • 5. East 50 feet of Lots 5 and 6 Block 6 North Addition to Wayne

While living on the property listed second in the above list, Neihardt had the dream that years later he embodied in the poem entitled "THe Ghostly Brother"; while on the property listed fourth above he read "The Idles of the King", by Alfred Tennyson, from a paper-bound copy which he had recieved as a premium for soap wrappers; while living on the property listed last above he wrote "The Divine Enchantment", taking two years for its composition.