Well, here you are in Montgomery! Welcome home! It will be that shortly, for you are sure to be a part of the wall of the things in short order. You are going to make them know that somebody has come, and they are going to have an English Department. It will be bully to have only the job of making an honest-to-goodness department, without a lot of other duties. Golly, I'm eager to hear all about it! I wrote you at Wayne, but it is probable that the letter didn't catch you, for no doubt you were off early on that auto trip to Chicago.
Here's a point. In that article for The Saturday Review, emphasize the national character of the Cycle. You know that a lot of pseudo-lyrical pifflers, with nothing whatever to say, are played up as poets of distinction. It's really very funny. There is almost no able criticism in America. What should be shown now is the fact that there is a body of national poetry growing up, making little noise, thanks to the idiotic din of the cliques, but getting into the general consciousness of the country most surely. There's an idea I do want you to get in. You know how to be exceedingly suave - it's one of your gifts. Say it, without rubbing vinegar and salt in the wound! It can be said in a very few sentences, in passing. Perhaps in the introductory passage - maybe in the concluding passage. I favor the latter, since that is the point you want to rub in
Will it not be great to see your article and name in the Lit. Review? Hurrah!
You're gone, but you don't seem far away at all. You seem very close.
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