Dear Comrade:

N.Y. Eve. Post has a fine display article by Katherine Lee Bates, head Dept. of English at Wellesley - a wholly appreciative review. Couldn't be better. Midland has a fine page article; wholly appreciative. Both of these say just what you and I believe about the Wars.

I do hope yours will be accepted by the Saturday Review. If, by any chance, it should be rejected, try at once on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, sending it in care of Paul Greer, Mg. Editor.

Later I'll send you a collection of reviews. You'll get more satisfaction that way.

I judge that the Midland article was done by paper.

Lots of love,


The campaign has started in a most promising manner, surely.

Remember, Greer was editor of the Bee before he climbed to his present job in St. Louis.

Your review ought to go in Sat. Rev. It can not be more complementary than the Eve. Post article; + it's a more complete appraisal I know.
Branson Oct 11 11 PM MO. 1925

United States Postage 2 Cents 2

Dr. Julius T. House New River College Montgomery, West Virginia