I'm very glad you like POETIC VALUES, and I wish you could say your say in the Saturday Review of Literature or in some widely circulated educational journal. Few reviewers seem to have known what the book was about. All but a few dodged and copied the publisher's statement. Those who did not dodge gave me praise, but praise without understanding is of no value to me. Some few both praised and seemed to get what I was after. Many thanks for telling me.
For nearly three months I have been running a page in the Sunday Journal-Post of Kansas City, and with most pleasing results. From the beginning, the idea was to syndicate, and I am going up to K.C. tomorrow to make arrangements. I'm after the Middle West - for a reason. When your book appears - and I am very eager indded to see it - I can tell some people about it.
Things go finely for my schemes - better and better steadily. There has been a decided increase in my mail from all over the country - appreciations. Macmillans are bringing out a book of mine early in June. The COLLECTED POEMS have been held up because the WARS has been selling; but the volume is scheduled for fall.
Jno. Neihardt
The new firm of Morrow & Co., N.Y. want to contract with me for a book on the American Indian - prose. John Macy is their lit. adviser.