Your letter reached me during ten strenuous days of lecturing in Texas, and I have had not a peaceful minute since, until now. I reached home late last evening. Was at the University of Texas, the S.W. Texas State Teachers' College, Baylor University, North Texas S.T.C. and the State College for Women - the C.I.A. When I first received your letter, I was on the point of wiring you to the effect that I could be with you July 5th; but such an arrangement would have made a hurried and unsatisfactory visit, as I must be at the University of Neb. the 7th, 8th and 9th. Then I must be back here at work on the 11th, even though it is Sunday. As your summer school will continue for six or seven weeks yet, I see no reason why I could not arrange to make a special trip to Wayne after I shall have caught up with my work again. Of course I want to go to Wayne, very much indeed. I go many places where I am not particularly happy to be; but Wayne is not one of those places. It will seem strange without our Doctor House; but he will be glad to think of me there, and I can look at his house. It will certainly be good to see you and Mrs. Conn again. My kindest thoughts for both of you. This is a very hasty letter. I am throwing it off, for I am behind in correspondence.
Jno. N.