I can hardly believe that I have not written many letters to you, for in the confusion of the past weeks - new surroundings and duties and moving the family - I have so often talked to you in imagination? I wish it could have been in fact. Things are beginning to move here, I think; and my page a sort of clearing house for Western opinion - I'll be on the road going somewhere. Famous authors, and have valuable articles the P-D gets for nothing. I'll send you my next page - the 4th here.
We have a nice home at 460 N. Harrison Ave, Kirkwood, Mo - 25 minutes by the steam cars from the P-D. You will visit us during the holidays. Hooray! Hurrah! And we'll get in the Buick and go out into the woods somewhere & have a talk-fest all alone. When are you coming?
Indian Tales have had some powerful reviews. The N.Y. Times & N.Y. Eve. Post especially powerful ones. Collected Poems should be out any time now. Three weeks ago I signed 500 sheets for the autograph edition.
Yes, I hope you can get at The Man and Poet soon.
I love you, dearest Comrade - and always shall.
From [?]Harrison Kirkwood, Mo
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