Dear Mott:

Would you care to write to the Sunday Editor of the Post-Dispatch, suggesting an article, to be written by you, on my COLLECTED POEMS? The volume has just appeared, both in a beautiful two volume limited edition and in a one volume trade edition. I rather think the Sunday Editor might fall for such a suggestion from you.

They pay, of course
Of course, the first question is concerned with your having both the time and the inclination for the job.

I have at last been obliged to go over to the powers here and run a daily column. My big dream of having all of you who are worth while talking through my department seems to be defeated. They want me to touch the stream of books rather lightly, and always keep in mind the going prejudices. The great thing is never to be "highbrow". Alas and alas!

With every kind thought,

Jno. G. Neihardt

I'll send you a copy of COLLECTED POEMS if you have not already received one from Macmillans.

I was free in K.C.; and - it appears that Macmillans will bring out any Journal-Post articles in a book entitled [Provincialisms?]
