The title seems all right to me.
I think it would be proper to quote a lyric or two, if you do not feel that it takes too much of the space. Try it anyway.
If you think it would be an advantage to send the article, do so. I don't ask this, by any means. Yes, Enid would be delighted to type it, and I'd look it over for any little things that might slip by.
I'd say that the Easter poem is a good one for quotation. I would not say anything in particular about the changes in the Fountain song, though you may want to state in passing that there have been some revisions, and you might mention the Fountain Song, without discussing it.
I have not read the chapter on the Law. But curiously enough, Enid, in talking about what she was copying, said to me that she could not understand much of it, because it isn't all there. Some of it begins in the middle of things and was puzzling to her. But she chose the chapter on Law to talk about and said "I like that one a lot". It struck me as odd that a kid of her age and understanding should feel that way about a discussion of Law by a sociologist; but it must be a pretty readable chapter. That's something, and you yourself know about the ideas you expressed.
I'm glad you have the satisfaction of knowing that you can return to Wayne at will. But I think you are right. Going back is generally bad business psychologically. Your leisure there is worth a mint to you, and I haven't the slightest doubt that you are doing a good deal to make the school better. It could hardly be otherwise. Then, too, there's the chance that the book may "go".
I'm happier now than when you were here. Things go well, and I begin to hear good things of my column from the outside. The bosses also seem satisfied. I myself am not, of course; but I shall have to make a change for the sake of my work, and I should be glad to know that I am doing my best within the limitations with which I have nothing to do.
Kansas State Teachers Assn. wants me two days next Nov. That's five invitations to lecture in the last few weeks, - one from Florida.
Trask is very friendly to me. Came in for a talk yesterday. Wants me to do a stunt at the Unitarian Church here, and I think I shall
Did you find any typographical errors in COLLECTED POEMS? When you do, please give me page and line and word. I spotted one - "good" for "goodly"