I am very much interested indeed in the magazine which you are going to publish, "Current American Literature." There is a need for a publication of this sort, and I think you are well qualified to undertake its editorship.
I am glad to send you at once a complete set of Edwin Arlington Robinson in the new five volume edition which we are just publishing; also the Neihardt short stories, and THE RIVER AND I; also Lindsay's COLLECTED POEMS, and such of his prose work as we publish.
You speak of Charles and Mary Beard. I think probably you would like THE RISE OF AMERICAN CIVILIZATION. I am sending that to you as well. Will you not keep me in touch with the progress of your work, and let me see the first issue of the magazine?
H.S. Latham
This is fine. I can get other publishers for you. What books do you want? Just a dozen + I'll go after them.