Dear Comrade:

No, you have not lost your clairvoyant powers where I am concerned. As a matter of fact, when you were feeling that way about me, I was in one of my very dark moods, the sort that has been attacking me so much since I got caught in this trap. Happily, the New York experience was glorious, and that helps very much, especially since there will be practical results.

I can hardly hope to tell you anything like what happened during my week in N.Y., but I'll tell you some things and let you imagine the rest. First, I was honor guest, at the expense of the Poetry Society of America, for a week. The affair began with the big annual dinner, and I was guest of honor, sitting at the right hand of the President. The guest table was about 100 feet long and was raised six feet above the huge dining room of the Biltmore Hotel. At the table were celebrities from England as well as America - a brilliant group indeed. And in the main body of diners were many many more. At my right sat lady Speyer, next to her Witter Bynner, next to him, Lennox Robinson, head of the Abbey Theater, Dublin, next the sister of Roosevelt etc. etc. At the left of the president was Ernest Rhys, the famous old scholar, editor of Everyman's Library, and on down the line one after the other was eminent. After my reading, which came last for effect, I held and impromptu reception of more than an hour. People crowded around. Corinne Roosevelt Robinson came up and said, "As I heard you read I thought what good friends you and Theodore would have been. He was very fond of your poetry and it was he introduced your work to me". There was a lot more. Edwin Markham, who is a sort of god down there, came rushing up to me in the huge parlor and cried cut, "You are the one man in America I want to meet". It went on like that, but this is typical.

Lady Speyer ( wife of Sir Edgar S.) gave a brilliant reception in my honor at her home on Washington Square Tuesday night. My god, what a company of distinguished men and women! It was bully, too. I have never been so honored, I think - I mean, never with so much brilliance. When I was through reading from the WARS, and believe me I was right that night, Markham got up and made a speech such as you, in your glowing moments, would have make. "Never had he been so moved, he thought" - that sort of thing. Also the Homer comparison. It was bully.

I did stunts at various places, clubs, salons etc. At a salon in Long Island I read, and Roselie Montgomery, who is held in the highest esteem and writes exquisite sonnets, arose and said: "I was to have read after Mr. Neihardt. I cannot. I am too deeply moved, and anything I could do would be a pitiful anticlimax." She too talked about Homer, and she said, "You say he is laureate of Nebraska. He is by right laureate of America and should be made so".

I wish I were talking to you, then I could give you a list of the people.

But here is what really matters. I saw Latham again. He said that the whole Macmillan organization was absolutely for me and that from Mr. Brett down all believed that I would go the same way Robinson went. He said "It is your turn next, and you ought to quit your job, finish the Messiah and have it ready as soon as you well can", I told this to Curtis Hidden Page, my sponsor, and he said: "Yes, now they have Robinson out of the road". As a matter of fact, Comrade, I know I've been held back deliberately. Often I've had small indications of this, but I think I know it since my last talk with Latham. He is very guarded and lets on he doesn't know how they put Robinson over, but in the same breath he practically said I was to be put over next. He told me also that we must, for this reason, hold up STRAWS IN THE WIND until after the big noise, so as not to arouse unncessary antagonisms at this stage of the game. It is all a matter of manipulation and it is crooked business, as I see it. Another man, Joseph Auslander, is after the Book of the Month Club for me, and Macmillans have the Literary Guild in mind.

I rather think I must quit and push ahead. I have enough money to live two years, and am making more in stocks. Have been increasing my gains fairly steadily. I think that in a year of constant work I could put the Messiah through. Latham was much impressed with the subject matter.

I have written this in a great hurry. Imagine my rush after being gone over a week. I got all that entertaining without sacrificing my salary, received all expenses and $250 in addition.

Endless love, dearest of men!


Could you have Joseph Auslander read there on his way here? He is a marvel - is doing wonderful stuff now and is an extremely fine reader. Your women there will go crazy over him. I could have him stop without difficulty, and I doubt if you'd have to pay him much if I get a good thing for him here. He was a prof. at Harvard before he quit to go on with his work.

  • Brill - Pysco-Analysis
  • Frink - Morbid Fears and Compulsions
  • Freud - 135 Interpretation of Dreams
  • Healy - Individual Delinquent
  • Bloch - Sexual Life of Our Times
  • [Meiselhess?] Sexual Crisis
  • Healy - Honesty
  • Healy - Pathological Lying, Stealing, Swindling Jean [?]
Books for Sociology Pathology
After Five Days, Return to
N.E. Corner Twelfth Blvd. and Olive St.


Doctor Julius T. House, New River State College, Montgomery, West Virginia.
White - Mental [Hygiene?] of Childhood