The New York experience doesn't mean that "the crowd" down there has definitely fallen for me. I did not touch all by any means. But it does mean that the resistance is grower weaker, if indeed there is any serious resistance left. Latham thinks there isn't, but he may be mistaken. Latham writes me, "I should think you would feel no hesitancy in taking the chance", and he says that Macmillans "will do everything possible to give the book wide circulation". I have told him that I expect to take the statement literally.
It is quite probable - almost certain - that I will soon ask to be released here. I have $6,000 in hand in sight, and might make more if I'm lucky, for I shall continue to gamble with the usual care that has saved me from loss so far. Mona and Enid will work up some lectures for me for this summer and next winter, and I see no reason why I should not take this gamble. I can get another job when I need one again - if ever. As for my own feeling, I am pretty well fed up on this scurvy civilization. Culture turned over to the women, the men more and more enslaved to their females, life allowed no meaning but the grubbing for more and more cash that one may spend more and more! For myself, I would not give a cigarette butt for many years of that sort of thing, and if the time should come when I can see that the world (an impersonal bolix not in any way to blame) can use no more of me than that which can grub in a sort of endless nightmare for money, I for my part might feel wholly justified in selling my carcass to the insurance companies by way of meeting my obligations. I am far from this point now, however, and I mean to do all I can do, against odds that are and have been perfectly ridiculous, to fight through. Even if I should drop out now, there would be many many in the future who would feel grateful for what I have given.
I want to tell you again that you are to me the dearest of men, and your abiding affection is one of the few excellent things in my experience on this planet. You are not a bandwagon friend, bless you. If the "big noise" should develop around my work, as it well may, I will remember that you never gave me the "practical" advice of the blind, feeling superior in doing so and secretly pleased to see me at last caught in a trap. Something cold and keen has developed in me these two and a half years; but it knows affection yet.
You know what my interest is in psychical research - that I do not swallow such things too greedily and without thought. Well, I've been experimenting with three unusual mediums here for six months. All, unacquainted with each other, have told me the same things and all prophesied the New York trip and success. I went to one of the best on the Sunday after I returned from the East, and she said my "guide" told me to quit what I am doing and finish that work, that I would do this, and that the result would "raise me high" and I'd go higher and higher afterward, being remembered long long after my death. I asked; "Does this mean that I should finish the work I was working on when I took this present position?" immediately there came sharp cracking sounds on the table beside me, the medium being on the other side of the room. She laughed and said, "That is your answer". I don't know what made the sounds. If her latest prophecy is as good as her others, this would look good! Don't think I'm goofy! I'm only telling you in a casual way, placing no emphasis on any of it.
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