I received your letter about Alexander while spending a week in Branson, and I wired you at once. I hope the telegram reached you and that you may have good luck in getting Stepanek and Piper to write for you. They are undoubtedly the ones who should do the job. Jim Brittain knows a lot about A's philosophy, and Harvey Newbranch could say a lot about the man's many interests and activities. I can't say how much of a philosopher A is and I can't become enthusiastic about his verse. But he is a very remarkable personality and there's great stuff in him. He is worth a number of your quarterly, and, considering everything, I'd say that it's mighty gracious of you to give the man a number. Prof. Orin Stepanek may not be at the U. of Neb. now, but your letter will undoubtedly find him somewhere. Stepanek is a really big fellow.
That last number was a fine one indeed. The steady improvement delights me. You are really doing something of genuine value, I'm sure.
Kindest throughts for Mrs. House. When does the big event take place for Mary?
Willa Cather and I are to be the speakers at the annual banquet of the National Council of English Teachers in Nov.
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