The October number seems to me a very good thing and I congratulate you again. Yes, I do like the articles on my stuff and am grateful. I wish I knew how to be encouraging in the matter of bringing the magazine to St. Louis. I maintain something of the status of a recluse in this town, much to the bewilderment of the many who have tried and tried and tried to make me mix. One result is that I know little of the town and have made no powerful connections in a personal way. The other and very desirable result is that what I have to say in my column
exerts a rather surprising influence, and no one ever even ventures to "call me down" though God knows I am not saying the expected thing. I note that a new "Mirror" has just been launched here. It s first number is fair and , but I have no notion that it can ever justify its name, considering Wm. Marion Reedy's record with the old Mirror . It is devoted to boosting St. Louis while striving to be a literary mag. I doubt if it has solid backing, and it may die soon. This is an intensely materialistic burg, and I can't feel that the chances for prying anybody loose from his money are very good for a literary project are very good. Perhaps if you could visit here with me you could stir something up.
This is done rapidly but it bears love, as you know without being told.
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