Kirkwood, Mo.
Feb. 6, 1928.
I am sincerely pleased with the quality and appearance of the first number of the Quarterly. The format is dignified, as it should be, and I can see easily that as to make-up you are bound in the right direction. Appearance is a very great deal, for God knows this is pretty much an eye world for even the majority of intelligent people. Your first number had to be scant and sketchy under the circumstances. That will be remedied in the next, and the thing will grow. I wish it could be at least a bi-monthly; but that may come too. A monthly would be ideal; but where to get the time? This may easily develop, with your well-grounded enthusiasm, into something that will justify your College in giving you more time for a really important task. Very important things might be done for New River. As it is, I think it a very fine thing that your people there have backed you in such a scheme. They are making no mistake, and they will be glad.
I am particularly delighted to know that you have a constructive job of this size to keep your mind and spirit on the stretch. It's bully. Don't feel that you must give very much space on me -- just what I may seem to deserve along with the others who are sincere and have something to say.
I'm unreasonably crowded by my P-D job. Even my boss - a hard, shrewd veteran journalist -- said before a company the other day that he "couldn't see how Neihardt does so much work". If I do anything for you, it must be good. I doubt if I can do a special thing on Robinson. He calls for something well considered; but could you not use some little essay of mine already published, but still significant? There'd be no trouble with the paper that used it.
By all means, write Dr. Alexander, asking for an essay on American Indian Song, and tell him that I urged you to do so. He will give you a fine thing. Also, write Dr. Boodin at the University Club, Los Angeles, California for a paper on contemporary philosophy, and tell him I urged you to write him. He too will respond, and what he give will be golden. By all means have a good article on Boodin's philosophy, especially his latest book. Some good man at Carleton would undoubtedly contribute this. Write the president of Carleton what you want asking him to hand the letter to someone in his faculty.
I can give you a lot of such leads, and will as soon as my flu-woozy head clears up. I was knocked down by flu last Tuesday, and am only now recovering.