Dear Comrade:

The new issue of the magazine is excellent, as usual. I'm sorry the makeup man dropped off the end of my first article, but such things don't matter very much or very long.

I'm to be the speaker at the annual banquet of the National Educational Assn. at Columbus, July 3rd. I wonder if you will be there. It' at the Reid House. Will come back by T A T plane. Can't go over that way, as the earliest plane leaves here in the afternoon.

Pulitzer has consented to let me do my work in Branson for a year, beginning in August. We are preparing to move in July. This will be bully. Although I shall have my regular work to do, there will be several hours a day more than I have here, and far less nerve strain. Also, there will be no string of visitors to bother me. Sometimes I hold a reception for hours on end.

How are you? I suppose it is beastly hot there as well as here.

Sig and I will set out on our pilgrimage about July 12th. I have letters of introduction to the Indian Agents from the Board of Indian Commissioners and from Doane Robinson. Agents are instructed by the Board to "go out and get" the Indians I want. So I'll get something worth while.

Endless love, good Comrade!

My salary in Branson will seem like a lot of honest-to-god money. And there will be [?] and royalty too.
Wish you could visit me in Branson. Want you to see our home since it is remodeled. Mighty nice place. We'd have a darned good time.
[Nei?]dt [ST. LOUIS PO?]ST-DISPATCH [N.E. Corner Twelft?]h Blvd. and Olive St. [ST. LO?]UIS, MO.

United States Postage Massachusetts Bay Colony [?] et societ de Massachusetts Bay in Nova Anglia 1630 1930 2 Cents 2

Dr. Julius T. House, New River State College, Montgomery, West Virginia.