I have purposely refrained from expressing to you very much of what I know to be true about the world situation. I did not want to seem too despairing. With me it has too often been terrible, but I've decided at last - or so I think - that I must guard against tearing myself to pieces, since nothing can be done to help. We are now living in a vast kindergarten without a teacher!
I do not look forward to any special or inevitable "great day beyond" the growing darkness - not in this world. But it is not inconceivable that what is preparing all over the world may greatly decrease the earth's population, and that alone would be a favorable circumstance. Also, the profit system will have been wiped out - perhaps another favorable circumstance. Anyway, if one, being human, must hope, it is necessary to look beyond what is inevitable - how far beyond God knows & he probably non-existent!
But there are thousands of us home-sick ones still on the planet, and we'll have to encourage each other to live & cherish the values that have cost so many generations so tremendous a price. Anyway, this world may well be, as I am persuaded to suspect, only a fragment of the real world.
I am able to testify daily in my columns, and I wonder why the P-D lets me go; for I say things with death in them for the whole present world-scheme. Is it possible that the P-D doesn't get my meaning? I can't believe it, for Clark McAdams is an intelligent radical. But, my god, why
I can't get the Messiah to you in time for your trip East. Have neglected to have it copied. Will do so at once & be ready for you upon your return. I'll write Benet that you want to know him. Where shall I say he can reach you with a note? Answer quickly.
Comrade, quite clearly you are dealing with a fool when you deal with Pattee. I'm almost sorry I drew your attention to the fellow. It was damned selfish of me. But it would be in your proper line to call him down for his general incompetence, making my case only a part of the indictment. I think you should do this, as a man having more lights than most. But try to make it all quit hurting you.
Endless love, best of Comrades! I'm so glad you see too, for were you in anyway conventionally blinded, there would be so much less of you to love!
Anyway, your magazine is worth while. Turn loose, saying what, after careful thought, you believe. It's not time for sitting on fences. "Liberalism" is for pink teas now — more's the pity. I wish weren't but it is.
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