Dear Comrade:

The new issue of your magazine reached me just as Concepcion came into the office, and I gave it to him. So I have not had a chance to read it. Please send me another. It looked like a mighty good number. You must have heard from Concepcion by this time. Also by the time this reaches you the articles I sent will be in your hands. I sent the collection so that you might have a range of choice. Do as you like with the stuff. Wired you last evening.

Yes, I've seen the Drinkwater-Canby-Benet anthology. What they say of my lyrics is funny. Those poor chaps from there have to be careful when they praise a known enemy of the gang. It is rather surprising that so much was said for the cycle - "couldn't be overpraised", or something of the sort. Well, it hasn't been yet, thank the Lord. I think our present society is a damn fool in almost every particular. Sitting on the limb end sawing the limb off, to begin with; and the blandness with which it is taken for granted that lying and shenanigan are quite proper begins to bore me unspeakably. There is not a leader anywhere that I can see who is fit to lead, unless Russia may have one. The Naval Conference is a delicious comedy.

But it's getting spring, and there is nothing wrong with the earth and the sky and the trees and the rivers etc. The trouble with the human animal is that he too easily becomes and abandoned liar. The good and the wise are automatically excluded from control by our system. Let a wise and good man, by some fluke, get into power, and immediately he would be made helpless. If there is no continuation of this life under conditions less conducive to spiritual blindness, then this whole show is silly beyond laughter.

But I love you, endlessly.
