After four weeks with my Oglala friends near Manderson, I finally got away from the reservation without seeing you, although I sincerely intended to have the pleasure of meeting you before I left. I hope you didn't feel this as a discourtesy. The fact is that the work I was doing with Black Elk took so much longer than I had expected that when at last it was finished I was obliged to hurry. However I expect to be back on the reservation again during the coming year and I hope I may meet you then. Although I did not meet you, I felt during my stay there that you were free and ready to help me in every reasonable way. This feeling itself was a genuine help and I am grateful to you. I enjoyed being up there so much I have half a mind to get a piece of land up there to play with during the summer. There is a section that I have been told could be bought. I was not able to get the numbers and I am wondering if by describing its location, they could be located by your office. I may describe it in this way. The east-southeast corner of it is cut by the road running from Brennan to Manderson and this corner is only a short distance south of Ben Black Elk's place. Across the southwestern quarter Wounded Knee Creek runs and about half a mile east of the road there is a high range of rim rocks through which a narrow pass leads up to the rolling prairie. There is a three room log house on the place and some small log buildings. If it does not involve too much trouble on the part of your office I should be glad to have the numbers of this place and also information as to when it can be bought, and if it can be bought, on what terms.