The news of your prospective visit to Greece is genuinely thrilling and I have heard nothing for quite a while that has given me a greater kick. It is right that you should go and you will get some corking stuff out of the experience for your magazine. You will not see Greece as Harry Franck saw it, merely an arid stony land. I am sure you could not use a thousand dollars in a better way.
You asked me to give my impressions of certain people at the Wayne Normal. I could have no very definite impressions except, of course, that everyone was kind to me. I had some talks with Owen and he seemed a very likable and intelligent man. What his gifts as a teacher of English might be, I could not know. I had two walks late at night with Dr. Conn, and we talked confidentially about many things. It pleased me to feel his genuine respect for you and I noted that he had been made unhappy by your leaving. He was in every way fair to you and as you would want him to be. I had reason to know that he was not talking to make an impression on me. Dr. Conn has mellowed a great deal and I found him even more lovable than formerly.
The book on Black Elk is likely to be a wow according to present indications. Morrow is very much excited about it and is laying plans for it. He is alive to his finger-tips and is extremely successful as a publisher, having rather more than his share of big sellers every year. I am about to get a six-months' leave of absence. Am waiting to hear from Pulitzer who is fishing somewhere in the wilds of New Brunswick
I have just heard, to my surprise, that Paul Hutchinson, Editor of the Christian Century, has dedicated his latest book to me. It is entitled "World Revolution and Religion." I am not acquainted with Paul Hutchinson except by reputation. I think he must have been reading my Post-Dispatch column, which, however, I needn't tell you, is not exactly an organ of religious propaganda unless what I believe to be a rather intelligetn definition be given to religion. My column has won in a really remarkable way, and it is hardly probable that I hear of all that it has won. If you were free, I think it is not impossible that I could put you in as substitute during my leave of absence, but you couldn't afford to consider this.