The Post-Dispatch asked me to suggest a substitute while waiting for word from Pulitzer. I replied that I would do so as soon as I thought I could offer a good suggestion. It seemed impossible that you could take the place, and I'm no end pleased that I can now urge that the place be given to you. I'm doing this without delay and hope they will let me have my way. Yes, it would be a fine adventure to write daily for the only great newspaper in America that is really and truly free. Your social views are in keeping with the policy of the editorial staff. This would help greatly, though it would not be necessary, so long as you were seen to be intelligent and able to defend any position you might take.
All of us here think it would be ideal to place you in my chair. There is an attitude, and even a tradition, to maintain and you would do it.
I have something more in mind that I'm not discussing here. I'll tell you later what I mean.
Could you live in St. Louis? How much salary-minimum? When could you begin? How could you handle the magazine? Will the college let you off?