Dr. U. S. Conn Wayne, Nebraska
Dear Dr. Conn:

I have been invited to speak before several sections of the Minnesota Education Association at St. Paul on October 28, and it is desirable that I should have several other engagements in the North during late October or early November. Will you please tell me when and where the Nebraska Association will meet and give me the name and address of the Secretary? Also, will you please tell me during what month of the summer your county institutes meet and what seems to you the possibility of my arranging engagements with a number of these? I have thought of this in connection with another visit to the Ogalalas ​ which I hope to make sometime this summer. BLACK ELK SPEAKS has had a very remarkable reception from the press all over the country, but it is too soon to know about the sales. There seems to be some possibility that Morrow's Hollywood agent may interest the movie people in the book, and at his request I have recently prepared a synopsis showing how the story may be furnished with the necessary popular romantic element without falsification. But I'm not counting the hatch in advance.

The Macmillan Company has offered me a contract for THE SONG OF THE MESSIAH (which cannot be completed short of a year at best) with the proviso that it shall be my next book and that the next thereafter shall go to them. Just now we are wrangling over the amount to be advanced in cash. I'm not sure that I should tie myself up in this way.

With affectionate thoughts for yourself and Mrs. Conn,

Jno. Neihardt
John G. Neihardt