Dear Comrade:

It's bully to know that you are back in America and to feel that you are happy. The news that the book is progressing delights me and I have great hopes for it. You always did have a way of making most interesting human talk about people you have known, and judging from the opening chapter you ran in the magazine, I'm sure that way will be the book's way. That sort of thing could easily take hold if given the proper start. Increasing power to you, best of comrades!

I am not very good at writing news in letters, so I'm sending you several things that you may return. The lecture at Moorhead Teachers College (in connection with the North Dakota Agricultural College at Fargo) was by invitation and at a price I couldn't ignore. Was also at St. Cloud Teachers College--a pickup by wire on the way. Macmillans have written again asking when the MESSIAH can be ready and saying they "know it will be a distinguished contribution to our list". They wanted it for Spring and have the dummy ready; but 1935 is the MESSIAH'S year, as I've felt for a long while. It progresses, and I'm approaching the highest point. Fifty lines last week, ten this week. It will be about 2500 lines long.

The Fargo Forum comment on my lecture may call for a word of explanation. I'm thinking of the first paragraph. Believe that I had no thought of making any such impression. If the people got that, it was through no effort on my part.

Mona saw your letter, of course, & wanted to write to you. She has done so. If any allowances are to be made for a loyal wife's enthusiasm you will know how to make them. In thinking of the matter, you are seeing clearly in time, as I know, and you do, that there is a warm glow all through you. I wish there was a way to celebrate only that to which I have tried to be a good servant, and wish to [?].

Well, anyway, life is tremendous, even if one had no friend. I have.

With love always,


P. S. I was on the point of writing to [?] Homer. I've seen his poem, which is beautifully done. All of his writing that I have seen has distinction and the House glow in it. More light to all of us!
