Dr. U. S. Conn State Teachers College, Wayne, Nebraska.
Dear Friend:

Your letter reached me here after being forwarded several times, and I was very glad for it. It was characteristically good of you to plan for Hilda, and she looks forward to work in the library. I have written to Mona about the matter and she agrees heartily with me that Hilda should go to Wayne. There are several reasons, not the least of which is that we know it will be good to have our daughter in the atmosphere that you and Mrs. Conn have created about you on that blessed hill. Other reasons are concerned with the general superiority of your school over Springfield and with our feeling for a tradition.

It seems that I am to talk to the Minnesota State Library Association on August 31st. At any rate I've been asked by wire. We plan to go from there to Wayne and leave Hilda. And so Alice and I will end a wonderful summer feeling a bit lonesome.


I've been working far better on this trip then would have been possible in a Branson summer. In addition to my regular work for the Post-Dispatch, I've gone ahead rapidly with my new book. I have been surprised at the ease with which I have been able to write.

We have been camped here on Wounded Knee Creek for over three weeks, and we love it.

Mrs. Conn, I have not forgotten, and shall not forget, the lines you asked me to write. My mind needs to be emptied for that, and it has been crowded so far.

We all speak often of the days at your home--really memories that are precious to us.

Your friend,

John G. Neihardt.