Hon. Geo. W. Norris, U. S. Senate, Washington, D. C.
My dear Senator Harris:

Shortly before his death, my friend Dr. W. E. Sealock, wrote you a letter in which he set forth his side of the controversy with side of the trouble with the Board of Regents of the University of Omaha. After his Dr. Sealock's

After his death, as you are doubtless aware, the Board finally issued a statement a statement by way of "explaining" its action. I am one of those who know that the statement was absurd & tragically unfair, and I am writing to ask if Dr. Sealock's suggest that Dr. Sealock's statement to you be made given to the public. Recently, my paper, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, wired Mrs. Sealock asking for a copy of the statement but, of course, it could not be given. Omaha along with other friends of Dr. Sealock, I have thought that you might be willing to read the statement give run the statement to in the Congressional Record.

From what I know of the case, I should say

From what I know of the case I should say that the public needs to know a public airing of it would be a good thing. There is every indication that the Board wishes to hush have the matter hushed up; and it does seem outrageous that such a shadow should be allowed to remain on the memory of such a man as Dr Sealock.

I hope I do not seem officious in venturing to write you about this matter. Had it and please Were I in the habit of thinking of you as merely a Senator another Senator this letter would not have been written, for I have no "influence" with no political have no political influence, I and don't want any. I am just a human being writing to one whose high humanness has become proverbial; and I am one of many who feel deeply that the public should know Dr. Sealock's side of this tragic affair

With admiration & all good wishes,