It gave me the old thrill to receive yours of October 29th. Of course we need not be apologetic when we do write for awhile. I know the feeling remains the same with both of us.
I wish you were living in this part of the country so that we could be together. I am sorry that you felt rather empty when you wrote me. Are you discouraged about something and, if so, what and why? Most of the time I have been happy in my work, for there is no reason to be otherwise, although naturally I sometimes get a bit bored.
The page is getting better regularly and it seems that I may have a bi-weekly page one of these days. I am going to send you another book, and I wish you would let me know what book you would like. It is foolish to suppose that you cannot write reviews for me, and if I could only get you going the way I want you to do, there would be no difficulty. I find that I have not had success with reviewers who do not call on me, and I have reduced an original list of ninety contributors to twenty-seven all of whom can be contacted personally. It really makes a big difference.
Mona has just about fully recovered, but she still has some flesh to make. Sigurd was transferred from the Baldwin store in Louisville to the store here. His job is that of contact man for the city music teachers. Hilda is in her last year at the University of Nebraska and is happy there. Enid and I are collaborating on the page. Alice is in her second year at Soldan High School. I expected her to feel like a cat in a strange garret, but she made all E's on her first report card.
I must say again that I do wish you were not so far away. If only there were something you could get to do around here, it would be bully, and as long as I'm here you could have an article a week after we had a few talks on the matter.