Overland, Missouri
January 18th
1 9 4 3
Many thanks for your kindly letter of the 16th.
I must tell you exactly what moved me to write you, so that there may be no misapprehension. A Mr. E. E. Holm and his wife, superintendent and principal, respectively, at Ruskin, have been devoted friends of my work and me for many years. During a recent visit to Lincoln, Mr. Holm was talking about me to Dr. Wimberly of the University, and in the conversation Mr. Holm mentioned the rumor he had heard. (Where he heard it, I do not know.) Whereupon, Dr. Wimberly, I understand, said quite casually: "If it's true, I wonder if Neihardt might be interested." Holm then wrote me and suggested that, if the idea interested me, I might write for information to my old friend and neighbor of Bancroft, Hon. Allen G. Burke. I did write to Mr. Burke, for I feel very close to him; but before I received a reply, it seemed to me that I should have written directly to you, for I have never been a scheming person working under cover. No one suggested that I write to you. I was prompted to do so by my own feeling of respect for you and for myself.
A delayed reply from Mr. Burke seems to indicate that no such rumor is current in Lincoln. I have not heard from Dr. Wimberly, whose relation to the matter was merely casual.
It's all petty enough, but I'm not sorry I wrote you; for my letter brought a kindly note from you and a copy of the Brown Shingles brochure, which my wife and I cherish. We too have built a home with much living and loving; and the birds are happy in our secret garden where they come to drink at the fountain. We know what Brown Shingles must mean to you and your daughter—especially now that it is sanctified by the silent presence of the Lady of the Birds.
Jno. G. Neihardt Dr. Addison E. Sheldon Lincoln, Nebraska