Overland, Missouri
February 8, 1943.
I haven't written to you for some time, in spite of the fact that I've thought of you very often and always with the same warmth of heart. We have seen Alice several times since she visited with you, and it is fine to hear her speak of you two. She has been over a wide range of country this winter, appearing at many theaters in the South. Now she is on the way to Mexico City for a month's engagement at the leading theater, there, and it is likely that she may remain six months.
My second daughter, Hilda, is a singer with a voice like a cageful of nightingales! After years of preparation, she too is setting out on the high road, and, with her spirit, she will be going places. Within a couple of weeks she will be in Chicago, and I want her to know you. Also, I want you to know her. She has several good contacts there in musical circles, and I suspect that she will have no great difficulty in getting some suitable connection.
I have a bit of news. Macmillans have contracted to bring out the five volumes of my Cycle in a single volume this fall. Did you note what the National Institute for Arts and Letters did to me?
Jno. Neihardt
As Hilda will be alone, I wish it might be possible for her to have a room in your home for several days.