My dear Miss Teasdale:--

I am very grateful to you for your generous letter written at Rome, and for the copy of "Helen of Troy" which was sent to me from your home.

I hope my second letter did not make me appear too importunate. I was afraid you might not feel at once the sincerity of my motive. I look upon true poets as brothers and sisters, and whenever I can blow a trumpet before any one of them, I am happy to do so. We do not care who does the great work. Perhaps in some inscrutable way we are all the same person.

I love your blank verse poems on great women. Aside from the exquisite quality of the verse and the fine sense for epithets, I am deeply interested in a good woman's outlook upon the great passion. I used to see so differently; but now that I have a wee daughter, I begin to understand.

My wife, who is a sculptor of really remarkable ability, wishes me to send you her congratulations and sisterly greetings. You are of the same age.

Please do not forget to let me have that photograph.


Jno. G. Neihardt

My kindest regards to Miss Rittenhouse if she is still with you.