Dear Sterling:-

Your good letter reached me this morning, & I must say a few things to you while I'm digesting a lunch (!) of baked beans.

The first thing in line is to insist that you stop & give us a chance at you when you pass through as Omaha is in your route, & Bancroft is only $1.46 more & 73 miles. You can do it nicely! I am poor, as you know, but always have enough to eat, & we can give the front of the house to sleep in, providing you can sleep on a couch & if you can't you are not the Scout I take you to be. Eh? What? Of course you can stop off!

So when are you due?

The second thing: My friend, Kreider, a composer, is in Calif. now & will go East soon. He admires your stuff & wants to call on you if he may. If this is agreeable, won't you drop him a line at once? His address is: Noble W. Kreider, 762 St. John's Ave., Pasadena

I haven't mentioned the selection of lyrics simply because I have a better plan. That's all. I understand you perfectly.

As for Greek & Latin — I go in more for the former, tho' I am only a tyro. Nevertheless, I shall continue until I dir. The way is the goal, anyway. I love the stuff. Larin is too foursquare [somehow?]. yet I once ate Latin as a regular diet. Never was an expert, but was pretty fair at it. Greek seems an essential to happiness almost. Yes, you dear chap, you did send the sonnet! And a riffing thing it is!

Glad you are feeling better.

Yours always,


Have reached line 900 in Hugh Glass. It moves slowly, but it is constructed, I think. The problem is very different from that of a lyric. You once asked why I used rhyme instead of blank verse? Because one may use the [method?] of blank verses in rhyme, and the latter acts as a necessary limitation. Rhyme makes for economy & speed & gives a sort of "come on" to a tale. I'm using it in "Hugh Glass", but with the tricks of blank verse always working. Catch me?
