Dear Upton Sinclair:

It was a pleasure to hear from you again after so many years! Many thanks for your thought of me. Certainly my old-time feeling about you remains the same. You were always on the side of the angels and far ahead of your time; and what a dynamo you have been — and still are, I'm sure!

Of course you may use the letters if they are of any value to you. I wish they were better ones — for your sake.

I am in my ninth year at the University of Missouri, and have been having the time of my life, for this is a fine generation of young people. I give my course, Epic America (upper class), twice a year. It is based on my Cycle of the West, and is very popular. Our difficulty is in keeping the enrollment down. Also I give two writing courses, Critical Essay and The Writing of Poetry.

A candidate for the doctorate (in Speech) is doing her dissertation on my work. She is making extensive research and she will write you for a bit of help. I hope you can and will help her.

What a world we have at present! Golly, golly! Mighty interesting too!

With affectionate thoughts from one who has believed in you for many years,

John G Neihardt
P. S.

My Black Elk Speaks is going well in Germany & is being translated into Serbo-Croatian; My When the Tree Flowered was recently brought out in the Panther Books, London.

J. N.