Columbia, Mo., 10-4-'57
It was good to hear from you and to know that everything goes well with you in your new home. Your news is most encouraging! I'm so glad you found my letters to Geo. Sterling (50 of them!); that you have microfilms of the old Bancroft Blade (ancient history!); and that Mrs. Ledoux has replied to your letter of inquiry so graciously. She would do that, being the person she was when I knew her years and years ago.
I knew her when she was a bride, and a beautiful young woman she was, sweet-natured and kindly. The last time I was in her home was 30 years ago when I was talking down East; among other places, at Bangor
I can't think of any logical place for Ledoux's papers except Columbia University. It was his school, and he made much of his years there when G. E. Woodberry was his cultural Messiah! Have you tried Columbia? E. A. Robinson's biographer (whose name eludes me at the moment) might well know something. If you can't find the name, I'll look it up here. He must have leaned rather heavily on Louis Ledoux when he was doing the biography.
Send on your "thousand questions", and if I can't give an answer, perhaps I'll find a contribution to a possible answer. It occurs to me that the Century Club might know something about Louis and his papers. He was a member for years. It was there with him, that I first met Ridgely Torrence, who was then associate with Robinson (still little known) and Wm. Vaughn Moody. (They were called "the three musketeers!) Did I ever tell you of my afternoon with Mrs. Moody after her husband's death?
Things go well here — very well. Nice classes. My Critical Essay class is still problematical, as always in the beginning; but they listen. One is a football star — a fine chap and more willing, I fear, than able! But I can, perhaps, improve his literary style, if any.
John Neihardt