Dear Mrs. Aly:

It's a sad story about the missing House letters. I never got around to doing anything with them. All I remember is that I had some intention of going through them to see what I could find of value. They were left in the box as shipped to me — not a large box. When we returned from St. Louis to live again in Branson, the truck was wrecked and we lost much — most of the furniture and some valuables. The moving company came through after some industrious prodding, but some things could not be replaced. For instance, the petition signed by all members of the Order of the Indian Wars of the U. S., urging the amendment of the Order's constitution that I ( a civilian) might become a member, was lost. General Miles was at the head of the Order, and a score or more of the great old Indian fighters signed with him. I'd give a finger or two to have that petition! I suspect the House letters went the same way. They certainly evaporated somehow. Still, you have enough to serve your purpose.

Some effort should be made to locate letters I wrote to Judge D. M. Vinsonhaler of Omaha during the whole period in which the Indian Wars was being written. The Judge was a dear friend, but as I think I told you, he went strange, not to say "queer", when The Messiah came out, and Jed Smith finished him as a friend, altho' my feeling remained the same. It was a pathetic and comical business! Judge was sure (O so sure!) of his naive materialism! Bless his soul! I love him yet, as we all do. The letters to him would follow the development of the Wars pretty much step by step. His daughter, I believe, is still living in Omaha. I forget her name, but someone at the World-Herald should know about the Judge's affairs.

A Mrs. Travis, wife of the one-time owner of the Yellow Cab system in San Francisco, should know about Jackson Barber. How to find her? Maybe she is with the angels by now!!

Fine that you will examine the old Minn. Journal files!

It will be a pleasure to see you and the Doctor again at Xmas.

Kindest to you all

John Neihardt
John Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo
[C?]OLUMBIA, M[O.?] DEC 14 [?]PM [1957?] PRAY FOR [PEACE?]


[?] Hall
Mrs. Bower-Aly, 2094 Hilyard, Eugene, Oregon.