Dear Lucile:

This is for both of you, but Bower may not be back yet. I enclose a witnessed record of an experience. Perhaps you may want to copy it and return the original to me. Also, I enclose some letters that should be useful. The one from Kotoff (who left the University over 8 years ago) is typical and may be used in you dissertation. Others will be useful in some way, I'm sure.

You know, of course, that my relation to Mona was no matter of weak dependence — leaning. Our relation was (and is) that of an untroubled comradeship with perfect understanding and trust. She often said, as a result of certain crises, that 'You always rise to an emergency, Daddy'. And I did. So did she!! I could bet on her. I'm in no belly-aching mood. It's my body, more than myself that is hard hit. I've been trying to make my solar plexus & stomach do their old jobs. They are beginning to obey a little better. All the while, I remember that the whole human race is troubled, and I have no right (or desire) to overstress my hurt. I'm writing you intimately because you are my link with the worldly future, and any good that has come through me may go on, at least awhile, through you.

Love to you and Bower.

John Neihardt

There have been so many letters — a sworn storm of them. I can't answer all. What I send (a few) apply to your purpose now.