I suppose I'll receive a letter from you soon, but in the meanwhile here is a note that I don't want to forget. Perhaps you know Mark Sullivan's Our Times which appeared in 6 vols and covered events in the U. S. from 1900 to 1925. It's well known. In the volume dealing with the early years of our century, he spoke in passing of the thrill he & others felt when my lyrics were being published (The Bundle, The Stranger, Man-Song). You will want this, as it brings back an authentic echo from that time, and
few there are who remember. I do not know Sullivan except by reputation.
I'll send letters later about the telecourse. It surely is getting [over?], and there's a lot of enthusiasm scattered about . I hear so much, and I'm told that, according to a survey made by television people, each letter represents 500. Lambert says 1100. The brass hats seem happy about the affair. Next semester I'll have classes again.
I miss you.
Another note: When Hugh Glass appeared, Wm. Stanley Braithewaite was the top poetry critic of the country, writing in