You know I deeply appreciate your effort to get me on a national hookup. It's your dear way. We know, of course, that mere merit is not enough, even if the merit can be proved. Publicity value is paramount in our scheme of things, and I do not lament the fact. It has been some years since I had such publicity as would be needed. The My television course continues to arouse enthusiasm among all sorts of people, and the managment is very happy about our success. They are doing fine supporting work with visuals and sound effects as I read. Really quite effective.
We have been having very cold weather -3° this morning. But we had weeks of unseasonably warm, springlike weather before.
When your letter arrived I immediately dictated a reply, but there were errors in the script, and I laid the letter aside for correction — I'm only now writing what I have felt all along! You are my dear, precious friend, and I give thanks for you.
Alice, the children, and her partner, Mr. Cook, left with the first load of horses for Memphis last Saturday. They arrived safely & are happy about the setup there — a fine 272 ft. barn & a nice little house.
Of course, this house here is appallingly hollow! Golly! I miss the children & Alice! Soon, when I can close the house & drain the water pipes, I'll go to Hilda's home for the winter!
John Neihardt