The form of salutation is well documented in the footnote.
Evidently you went through the final test like a ship under full sail in a high, following wind! Reid sent me a copy of the program with the remark, "you would have been proud of Lucile, as we were." Moffet was happy, and we were happy together.
The television course prospers. I completed Three Friends right on the dot yesterday (Wed.) and will begin Hugh Glass today. In television, radio, and newspaper publicity it the reference is to "the very popular telecourse". One housewife wrote the station that she "just loved the way the elderly gentleman reads poetry"! They are happy out at the station, and are giving me fine support with visuals, sound effects etc. Lambert and Ellis changed
the time from 4:30-5:00 to 5:00-5:30. Many had complained that they couldn't make the earlier time. We begin Oct. 13 with the new time.
I like to believe that you had a pleasant, though hurried, trip back home, and I'm eager to hear from Doctor Aly.
Bless your good hearts!
John Neihardt
My wheat is up - green as a spring lawn - 15 acres of it.