What are you doing and saying in the land where you are delaying? Have you a chain to sever? Have you a prison to break? (Do you know O' Shanghnessy?) I don't know where you are — probably in Texas. When last heard from, you were on top of the Sierras. Since then I've spent 2 1/2 weeks with Alice & the Girls at Lake Cormorant. Then we four drove up here together for a visit. Hild, Alice, and I drove to Chesterfield, Indiana, and had a good time.
Now Alice & the Girls are starting back to Miss. tomorrow (Mon.) morning.
I'm alone, as my grader turned up all married the other day!! He is living in a trailer court. It seems he was married a year ago and his lady withdrew. Now she is back. I had had the impression it was merely a stormy courtship. Seems a nice girl and he is quite a chap. I hope they make it; but it will take some making.
I'm just waiting for y'all to come; and time is passing sure enough. I note with satisfaction that only a little while ago it wasn't now, and pretty soon it will be tomorrow.
I had a marvelous wheat harvest — $802 from 12 acres. Also, we put up 906 bales of fine clover hay. The barn is full of the stuff — hayloft and stalls. (about 30 tons)
When I was writing to you yesterday, it was then, then. But now it is not then anymore. It is now, now. Which proves again that time does "fugit", and sooner or later it will suddenly be August!
I've decided to drive back to Miss. with Alice & the Girls. Will stay a week or two then fly back. Address me: Route 1, Box 97, Lake Cormorant, Miss. Love in quantity for distribution. Do take plenty for yourself, dear Lady.
Arf, arf, arf! Arf!