Your letter just about saved this poor dog's life! I was feeling as though I had fallen out of a tall tree with no friends in sight, when I found it in in Skyrim mail box. Sig, good boy and trusted pal, had sent it on by air mail. And you ask me not to forget you'ns "now that we are no longer in the same car space." Lady, is that your idea of being funny? The fact is, I'd rather be back in that car with you'ns — going anywhere — than be anywhere else I know. I wish we could all take a trip to the moon. Yes, it's a wonderful world, Lucile, as you remark — wonderful "that we could meet and be friends". It's wonderfuller than I have tried, or shall try, to say. And so I do love this somewhat cock-eyed, never-never-goodbye-forever world; It hurts, but it's sweet.
Since I saw you I've done this and that with considerable tempo. I was had a fine flight to Phoenix, stayed four days & nights with Sig and old lady Max; then flew
to K. C., stopping 30 minutes at Albuquerque, and on to Columbia by air. When I reached Hilda's place, she was preparing for a try next day (Friday morning) to Memphis & Alice's diggings. I was weary, but I decided to go along. So there were 1000 more miles by car! Had a bully time at Lockwood Stables (Alice's joint).
No one expected me, of course. Thought I was in Salt Lake. Well, when I got out of the car, Lynn, Gail, Erica, and Coralie come came galloping up horseback (Gail & Coralie had been visiting a week). The four gals leaped off their horses & ganged me! There were the two dogs also (Spot, the Dalmatian, and Lassie, the collie), and they had to have immediate attention, too. It was dear; my god! It was
Well, Alice is doing wonderfully well. She & Cook sold a filly for $3500.00 and were sorry because, as a matter of fact, that filly will sell for $7500 in a year if she goes on improving.
The filly is "Blondy" raised here on Skyrim, and trained for fine harness only about 5 months. They have at least 3 horses in training that should make champions, and they will take my fine Hackney filly, Creation's Queenie, for training this fall. We expect to make her a $10,000 mare.
She is half-sister to most of the Hackney fine harness champions. I find I have 11 horses here at Skyrim, and I should sell some, keeping only stuff that could reach the top. There's no use in handling second-rate horses. They must be at the top or it's a losing game. Alice & Cook have now sold
two of the best horses in the Memphis area. They are very effective trainers & are gaining a reputation fast. Saturday night last ( Aug 22nd) we went to a horse show at Forrest City,
Arkansas (40 miles west of Memphis). Lynn gave a solo demonstration of five-gaited riding, with the announcer explaining to the big crowd what she was doing with her hands and knees, and praising her skill. She was beautiful, in her dark habit with her long golden hair down the back and she was mounted on a beautiful, a gorgeous golden stallion who
Rec'd a letter from Mrs. Skillings. It seems I can send her some electric table gadgets for the moment, and later, perhaps, you can tell me something else. (She would like some jade piece of mine, she says; but I haven't any.) What could I make?
Here's a queer business! You may remember Blanche Shoemaker Wagstaff; you may have seen a letter of hers, altho' I did not intend to keep any. Well, she was the principal pre-Mona girl of the Bundle of Myrrh affair (in N. Y.) She was beautiful, wealthy, swank. Amama saw her several years later at the Poetry Society meeting, and curled a lip when she spoke of the experience. (I'm sure you get the idea, knowing Amama!) Well, the old lady wrote me, remembering,like a lady and quite casually, but remembering. I'll send you the note. Sometime, if you want to hear, I may tell more. But what matters is the Pattern with Mona, the Cycle, and you in it.
I'm glad you have a nice semi-camping set-up, and I would indeed enjoy sharing it with you'ns. Soon you'll be in your House of Happiness!!
Bower seems to be too damned busy. I know that what he is doing must be important. But I'd like, someday, to see him idle awhile and happy doing nothing with gusto! We'd be good comrades if we could be together, with time to become comfortably acquainted and thoroughly aware of each other.
I have a letter from (guess who or whom, as you prefer) — Martha Aly! She seems to have liked some of my remarks about recreation.
Next time I'll tell you about my little dog, bless her faithful little heart.
John N.