Dear Lucile:

It was so good to see your letter here when I came over from Hilda's! I arrived Mon. night at 12:30 (by plane), Hiddy and a very old friend (Elanita Frey) were waiting for me. I hadn't seen Elanite for twelve years. She was Hiddy's schoolmate, and in 1947 I got her into the Indian Service as teacher. She is very successful & loves her Indian kids. So I did some good that time for sure.

I'm sorry you've been having bronchial trouble, but the knowledge somehow brings you a bit closer. I never think of you as ailing in any way. It's been very dry here all summer — a good season for your bronchial trouble. I had that trouble for years — left Nebraska as a result. I don't seem to have any trouble in that way now, and can't remember when the change came. (Incidentally, I've not smoked at all since June 25th. Not that I quit. I just thought I wouldn't smoke the next one. There has been no wild, or even strong, desire to smoke. Still, I do like the idea of lighting one.

I do wish you all were here with me. It's a sweet place, but so very still. That's it, as you say — it's so still. Needs shouts, laughter, loved voices.

I'll be so glad when you are here, and surely the Nebraska trip will be a happy one.

Just received an an urgent invitation to act as sole judge of the Texas Poetry Society contest. I've acted several times during the past 20 or 25 years, & I've always been greatly impressed by the poetic ability in that state. I've wondered how to explain the fact. The last time, I gave first to a corking ballad that immediately went into Reader's

Digest and was widely noted. It was "Red (Somebody's) Last Ride." My god! It was something to raise your hair & make you fetch a yell from deep down in there where you live!

The author knew men & horses, and he was sharing experience. Golly! Golly! I hope I'll find another this time! (You and your Texas! It's my Texas too!

No, I didn't get anything of importance at Chesterfield. We did not make advance arrangements with mediums & they were full up. I could not get the two I wanted. But I did get to Penny Umbach again. She is the one who told me about going West, "almost, not quite, to the Pacific Ocean" last year. Also, she knew about television. (Last year she was 100% correct.) This time she said that the years 1960, '61, and '62 are to be like "harvesting" years for me. I got the strong impression that your writing is tied up with what she saw. She was quite happy about the whole thing, I gathered. Hilda got to a Mr. Ireland, who seemed rather astonishing. Anyway, we had fun, Hilda, Alice and I — lots of fun. I do wish you and I or us'ns together could see a Mrs. Hickock who is regarded in Chesterfield as "the greatest." I heard her in public, and she was quite flabbergasting. I do want to get to her; and next time I'll arrange. in

I do hope you get relief from the bronchial trouble soon. I infer that Bower is all right or he couldn't be working so hard in hot weather.

You are dear. Have deep sleeps and good dreams.
