I don't believe my last letter deserved your curtsey — certainly not the court kind. I can do a lot poorer letter than that one, and I may at any time. This may be it for all I know.
Thanks for regarding me as a good zizzer! I'm especially good when I'm headed northwest. Golly! (am I zizzy then!)
Yes, I'll talk to Bower about the placing of papers and letters. I do wish Missouri could and would go the limit on preserving the material, because this is the mother of the West; M. U. was the first university in this country; and I'd love to be identified
with this region. My roots have all been in this Middle West. Still, I do not want the papers, letters etc. to last only a few years.
With your biography and as well as the other work you will do, precious Lady; with the papers located here; and with whatever may be remembered of me (if anything), there could be a damned good story hovering around here! A good story needs a focal point, and this seems to be the logical spot. But I will talk to Bower, and I do know his advice will be good. Maybe he
can suggest some way to insure the proper handling of material here. If I can't, be sure, Lucile, I'll think seriously of the Congressional Library. (The others are Titusville, Penn., the Newberry Library (Chicago), Buffalo Memorial Library — and Huntington, as you you once suggested.)
I sent the horse horse pictures to old man Stewart because I wanted him to see some famous sisters of my sweetheart filly, Creation's Queenie,
(also Queenie's famous papa),
who will soon be going away to boarding school!! The other day she and two other sweet horse friends of mine, came to the gate for a visit with me. They thrust their pretty heads through the gate, each eager to have all the petting.
They did not fight, because they are friends; but they did want a lot of loving. Queenie pressed her velvet nose against the middle of my face and held it there a long while. She is small, svelt, perfectly formed, full of love, — and
It's interesting about the pedestal. The theory is right certainly. The other day I was at the Swap Shop on Hy 63 south and there I saw a pedestal about 4 1/2 ft high, maybe 5, but I think it is about 4 1/2. I did not examine it closely, but it looks like mahogany and is a well-made piece of furniture. Funny if it were the one you've been hunting!! Shall I examine it and report to you?
Yes, you should wash my dirty cement face and paint me. Off-white or creamish would be all right. Or maybe a hint of pink would help at a little distance. But when I get there, Lucile, I'll take one swift glance and tell you at once how badly you have done! Just like that! That new desk must be a darb! Who planned it, and of what wood is it made, or to be made? And the books arranged with reference to the frequency of their use! Bully!
I'm so glad you know what to do about your broncial troulbe, and I hope the "strong medicine" you mention will control the trouble while it is being cured. But, nice lady, please don't become allergic to this poor old man! If you begin to sneeze when I arrive, I'll have to turn around and zizz right back.
Answers to Questions
Indeed I never did use Schoolcraft's Indian stuff in any way!
I know Van Wyck Brooks only through some of his work. I seem to recall that he mentioned me, not without respect, in a footnote; but he was not the sort who
would know and care for my work. I was not happily impressed by his Ordeal of Mark Twain. It seemed impudent, to me, and I have no respect for Freudian criticism.
The title, A Bundle of Myrrh, is from the Song of Solomon (King James version). And what a marvelous erotic poem that is! What an expression of the beauty and divine madness of mating!
Rambeau apples were well known when I was a boy in Missouri. They were late Fall apples and had very rosy cheeks. They seem to have been forgotten — like the Russets! (Incidentally, the latter grew on the lot where your house was later built on !)
Route 7
Columbia, Mo.