Columbia, Mo.
(Friday the 13th!)
I had so hoped that you would not write me again for at least six months, and every day when I went to the mailbox I'd exclaim joyfully, "Goody, goody! No letters!" Then suddenly — all-at-once (a dramatic touch!) your recent letter came!
O Lucile, I was so disappointed; and it was only three weeks since your former letter came! Now I shall have to read your letter five or six times as usual, and it occurs to me to suggest that, when next you disappoint me (and may it be soon), your letter be even duller than usual so that I may discard it after a hasty glance. As to the questions: You may have confused Muller with F. W. H. Myers in the matter of the Vergil essay. Myers' essay on Vergil is in his Classical Essays, a companion volume to his Modern Essays. Incidentally, these essays are as fine as anything in our literature. I did not read either Woodberry's essay or Myers' until long after I read Vergil in the original as a student at Wayne.
As to my Bible reading, it began rather early — in my early teens if not earlier. You know I was regarded as an "infidel". (My! My!). The Bible was to me a collection of Jewish historical writings, wisdom literature, stories, and poetry. I read very little in the New Testament at first, because the Christians I knew seemed a mean lot to me.
I did read the beautiful stuff in the Old Testament — Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon; the Prophets, Job, etc. Later I came to feel the greatness of Jesus, after I had ceased to think of him as the peculiar property of the church! I was fond of much in the [?] (I'm answering questions yet).
The Missourian with the articles on my Three Friends record, appeared Sunday, October 25th. I thought you had a copy of the [L. P.?] record of Three Friends. You must have one, and I'll send mine if no other is available.