Dear Lady:

You did much better that time! Thus far I have read your latest letter only four times, and it looks now as though I might be able to avoid a fifth reading. So the situation seems hopeful. But do be careful about writing too often. I haven't decided just what "too often" would be like, but I'd say that three or four times a week could be called rather frequent. Use your judgement.

Did I tell you about the Norwegian publisher who wants Black Elk Speaks?

Good lawyers are needed and they can do a great deal of good. Old Man Stewart will make a good lawyer because he will be a good man. I can fancy him as a very effective trial lawyer, because he will have that quality called presence. People will listen to him, feel that he is good, and so put faith in him. Here is a question for him to answer. It comes from Robin who requests me to send it on:

If "two's a company and three's a crowd," what is four and five? I'd appreciate an early answer from the future Judge Aly.

Gingko trees must be attractive. Aren't their branches arranged horizontally, and aren't their leaves peculiar & pretty? If I visit you in the winter, I'll hardly be able to appreciate them, with their millions of leaves fallen and raked up.

When should I come? Give me your idea. "Your" as dual number here. (How we do need certain changes in English!) Will you have family (or other) company from the 26th of Dec to Jan 1? This question will give you a good excuse to write me at once (by air mail), and I'll not count it against you.

I'm eager for your questions, and I hope you'll have many ready when I come. This visit should accomplish a great deal. We should have regular hours for the biography.

In a hurry —

Affection [?], and for each of you.


It's the best record of the voice thus far — really very good. The Lyrics record is in preparation, and may be ready by 'Xmas. I'm glad you care to write the blurb for the back of the cover. Will you review the original comment on the lyrics, as along with whatever else you want to say? (This would be from the Bundle on through Man-Song.)

I don't quite recall the Kiser you mention. It seems he knew that I didn't know Indians. Bless his heart! I hope his wife loves him! And if she doesn't, I hope his dog does! As for Hazard, — eleven pages devoted to a tremendous effort to prove that I'm no good! What a waste of effort! As I remember, the lady knew all about Indians, didn't she? Bless her heart too. I hope she is happily married. A critic at the time Hazard's book appeared dwelt on the absurdity of devoting eleven pages in a book to prove that the matter discussed wasn't worth discussing.

Lemmon's dissertation on my Indian stuff cites a wide range of opinion on this matter, and the consensus is very different from the Kiser or Hazard representations. Peden still says that the U of Mo. Press will publish the Lyrics — (not before the Fall of 1960.) Maybe it will be so.

So you are about all painted and stained for the time being! I'll bet that home is a darling. It must be very lovely, How I want to see it!

I suspect strongly that I did see you one of those nights when you had bronchial attacks. You were not lying down, you were erect, but I could not see below your waist, which merged with the dark. You could well have been sitting up in bed. You were as pretty as ever, but your face had a grayish look and you were a bit dark around the eyes.

You were enclosed in an oval of light and all about was darkness.
It does seem odd that I should dream of you, sick or well, because I never think of you at all except on those rare occasions when you disappoint me with an unwelcome letter!

(Isn't this a lovely letter? And there's more coming on the next page!)

You ask about my classes. Epic America is the same as always. The attention is perfect, and some days I wonder why. (O the fine young faces!) My Writing of Poetry class is a joy. We have fun and get lots of good work done. Six boys and three women, two of the latter oldish. Some of the boys are remarkable — two often produce real poetry. The women are good too, as always; but this time it's the boys who do the finest work. They are all darlings, and I love to be with them. They all love the class, obviously enough, and are happy in it.

I was invited to be a guest of honor at the 25th anniversary dinner of the Academy of American Poets helt last Wednesday in the great ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria. As a guest of honor I was to "sit on the dais". There were 1000 guests in all, and the Sec. of the Treasury of the U. S. made the chief speech. Another speech was made by the President of the Rockefeller Institute. It was a swank affair. I should have gone, and could have; but I did not take it seriously until too late to get ready. (They wired me to urge that I come) Dogonit!

Yo-Yo is a very good little lady, and has not run away and gotten herself lost since the last time. She is a precious.

Dear old Pal (Stewart met him) got run over this morning, and he is now in the Vet. Hospital. I'm afraid for him. He is such a dear good doggie.

Later: Pal died a little while ago. He was a good friend.

Affectionate thoughts all around — for Bower, Stewart, you and Gramby. I think it wasn't nice of Gramby to be away when I called to see her in Phoenix!

In eager anticipation of an early disappointment,
