That was a long, long wait, and I was adjusting nobly to a continued silence when your pink note came!
We've been having snow, snow — more than I've seen before in Missouri at this time of year. Forty two inches this winter, nearly all of it since Feb. 20! Now it is melting slowly but the wind stays cold. We are threatened with more snow tonight!!
I had two good experiences last week, and I want to tell you about them. I spoke at the annual dinner of the Law fraternity in the Tiger ballroom last Friday. There was a crowd, larger than usual by far, I was told. The place was full of tables. I was the only speaker and my subject was "Law among the Sioux Indians".
I never spoke on this before, and I was doubtful about it; for I've felt that my ability to talk well off-hand had left me. I had even come to wonder if I'd even been any good. I calmed myself with the thought that what I had to tell would be new new at least, and so I could get by well enough. They put me on my chair on top
of a table and thus I could see every face. I'm ashamed to say that I talked 1 hr. 20 minutes! But the crowd sat absolutely still. They looked utterly absorbed — really. Afterward many said they never saw the crowd sit so still!
Now why did it happen so? I know I made no bumble, that I felt kind and happy and safe. Lucile, the thing would have sounded well on tape.
The next night I recited lyrics to the Law Wives at Read Hall. It was the same there, with a small group.
I'm reporting this because you are planning to write more about me & my work. (You are my official biographer yet, aren't you, lovely and learned Lady?)
It's excellent news that in addition to another reading & review of the Cycle, you will give a program of my lyrics! You know, somehow I must hear you before a crowd. When can that be? I know you are "good". I'd love to be in some audience without your knowledge.
Here are the books we have handled in Critical Essay class;
- Deserts on the March (Sears)
- The Holy Earth (L. H. Bailey)
- Manhood of Humanity (Korzybski)
- Precious Bane and The Spring of Joy (Mary Webb)
- Not Too Narrow, Not Too Deep (Sale)
- Human Destiny (Du Nouy)
- Phantom Walls (Sir Oliver Lodge)
- The Life of the Ant (Maeterlinck)
- The New Reformation (Pupin)
- What Is Man? (Mark Twain)
- Red Snow (
- The Acquisitive Society (Tawney)
I've been getting some good work, and it is beginning to be clear to the class that the dominant ideas of these books are closely related; as a matter of fact can be tied together with a unifying principle. It's rather fun!
Skyrim is made beautiful inside, but the furniture is still stacked in the back room. We must have a party out there and do some arranging of things, lovingly. It's a bit sad out there, Lucile.
You and all yours are dear to me, good Lady.
And I wish I could kiss Perky right on her nice little cold nose! Fuzzy sweetheart!