Dear Slade:

I've just read yours of the 23rd, giving the plane schedule from Columbia to Ithaca. I've been waiting to tell you of a change in plan. The Westerners of New York City want me to talk at their annual banquet on Wednesday, Oct. 12th at the Seventh Regiment Armory in N. Y. So it seems now that I am to reach N. Y. by jet plane at 3:25 p. m. on Wed. the 12th of Oct. and talk that night. I'll have several days to knock about N. Y., and I have some friends there — two dear ones. Maybe I can get a look at the U. N.! Also, I I can browse in some bookstores. Then I'll come to you from N. Y. City, arriving on either the 15th or 16th. I'll let you know more later. Thus I'll reach you after an easy trip by plane, and am I eager to see you & Nita! I certainly am! My sponsor in N. Y. is Sol Lewis, apparently belonging to some publishing firm. He does not know that I was one of the eleven who organized the Westerners in 1945!! Since then the organization has spread all over the U. S. and into England and Germany. Lewis wrote that they would regard it as a "singular honor" to them if I would talk to them!! (He said "address" instead of talk; but I never address crowds; I just talk to them. I have a godawful big class in Epic America. When they closed the registration for lack of space, there was a considerable line of students wanting to register!

You are dear. I'll write more later.
