Dear Sterling: —

When I last heard from you, the Golden Girl was far from home and you were "as lonesome as God"— which, considering the modern world's neglect of the Old Gentleman, is surely some lonesome! I meant to write you at once, expressing my admiration for "The Revenge", but time slipped. It's simply a hell of a poem, and I hope by this time the Ladies Home Journal has been properly shocked by it.

Old Man, "Lillith" is the big task for you, and you are getting older every minute, though you do not age in your work, goodness knows! You must hit them with one big sustained thing, and I'll rejoice when you tell me that you have at last begun and are steadily working on the masterpiece. I suppose, however, that our entrance into the war has influenced your thinking considerably, and perhaps you are not in the proper mood. Just the same, you can't serve America better than by giving it a supreme expression of George Sterling.

I've got some rather pleasing news. On June 13th the University of Nebraska conferred upon me the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (Litt. D.). At the same time General Pershing received (in absentia, of course) the degree of Doctor of Laws, and Roscoe Pound, dean of the Harvard Law School, received the degree of Doctor of Civil Law. Both men are Nebraskans, as you probably know. Roosevelt received the degree of Doctor of Civil Law. Great doings — like a chapter out of the Middle Ages. It struck me as being rather nice that they remembered me when they thought of giving honors.

I'm working steadily, as usual, on "The Song of Three Friends". Have 1400 lines. Will complete it in December. It works up with much more power than "Hugh Glass".

When you see Howard again, greet him for me most heartily. I had hoped to hear from him again. Enjoyed his short visit here so much. Met a friend of his at Lincoln — a Prof Lamar of Berkeley.

Good Luck!


Jno Neihardt